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17, May 2016 | Interior Design  

Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms

Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)

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Kids bedrooms are super fun to decorate, as you may know! There is almost no limit to the potential and no design rules for this magical space, you can use your imagination and let it guide your infinite options. Yes! It is this awesome! You can do great designs and experiences in a children’s room and remember to be bold. Sooner or later you will have to change this decoration anyway because your child got older. On this post, you will find some creative and clever wall decor ideas for kids rooms. The walls are one of the most important parts of the space that constitute a kids room, it is like they are the basis for every item that goes in it. When choosing it don’t forget to ask your child for an opinion, otherwise they could hand up hating it and of course we don’t want that.
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms
This wall decor idea is amazing, combining with the amazing furniture piece, Rocky Rocket by Circu, a galaxy wall cover!
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Via: Annete Manuilova
Neutral colors aren’t very exciting by childhood standards, but they make it easier to change the other accent colors in the room without worrying about clashing. The row of houses above the molding and the fun alphabet panels below help tie the walls back into the colorful decor theme.
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Via: Alina Vagapova
Designed for a young space enthusiast, this space makes great use of a chalkboard wall for scribbling notes. The addition of the flat moon lamp completes the theme.
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Via: Annete Manuilova
Not only is the wall mural extremely fun, its distinctive collage-style animals are sure to foster an appreciation for art and creativity. It might even inspire kids to make their own collages out of leaves and flower petals and other things they find outdoors.
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Visualizer: Annete Manuilova
Chalkboard panels are perfect for the bedroom of a creative child! If you don’t want to paint a whole wall, just paint a sturdy piece of plywood and mount it securely, as this designer did.
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Via Plasterlina
What a great idea! A grid of ropes securely holds stuffed animals and turns them into a smart source of decoration for the nursery. The calm yellow and wood theme throughout the rest of the walls help maintain a peaceful environment conducive to sleep.
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Via: Annete Manuilova
When kids share a room, it can be hard to find a middle ground that reflects the personality of each. This room uses two different wallpaper prints to make sure everybody’s happy.
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Visualizer: ArchiCGI
These walls have several interesting things going on: the color (a mix between coral and orange), the exposed white brick, the playfully arranged prints, the large fairy mural… It will take a long while for a youngster to grow bored of this one!
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Visualizer: Artem Trigubchak
Little house-shaped shelves create a whimsical effect on the right and square cabinets on left keep things a little more serious for those hardcore study sessions.
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Via: Ruslan Tcacenco
Light mauve walls and soft upholstered panels help this room feel comfortable and calm, surely appreciated during study time and while trying to fall asleep at night.
Clever Wall Decor Ideas for Kids Rooms (9) (Copy)
Via: Anastasiya Shablinskaya
These adorable butterfly stickers are easy to find online but a paper punch is all you need to make your own. The reindeer lamp is called MARNÌN, designed by Matteo Ugolini.
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