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26, Aug 2019 | Interior Design  

Kientruc O is one of Thailand’s best Architecture Firms

Kientruc O is one of Thailand’s best Architecture Firms


Architect Đàm Vu leads the architecture and interior design firm. After working in an architecture studio, Đàm took his chances and opened his own one, the One Architecture Studio. A couple of years later, Đàm decided to move to Lund, Sweden so he could dive deeper into the architecture world. When coming back to Thailand, Đàm decided he wanted to take his studio in a different direction and renamed it Kientruc O. Recently, the Studio opened a new modern and minimalist kindergarten in Saigon, Vietnam.


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Credits: Kientruc o


This project is a conversion of an existing townhouse into a private kindergarten in Tân Định ward, one of District 1 subdivision, Sài Gòn, Vietnam.


Credits: Kientruc o


Multiple functional needs within a space demand a flexible spatial adaptation that allows the room to shift from a single private space to a larger public or event space, or to proportionally expand and contract in size while complying with the house’s existing structural elements.


Credits: Kientruc o


The architects approach this project with understanding children naturally feel more comfortable in spaces that are relatively related to their size, which offer a sense of safety and freedom to explore their surroundings.


Credits: Kientruc o


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From a larger point of view, a cluster of small spaces stimulates and encourages the children to go out and discover what is beyond their own personal bubble. The flexible spatial organization is a direct response to programmatic requirements and the educational experience the architects want to offer.


Credits: Kientruc o


A common practice in a developing country, whose society progresses at a fast pace, is to deliberately recondition an old existing building and give it new functional or aesthetic purposes. This is normally done accompanying more complex spatial demands, limited resources, and time.


Credits: Kientruc o


Despite the constraints, the team have transformed an old, and monolithic space to a bright and exuberant vitality kindergarten, a place that fosters the new generation of Vietnamese people.


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