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06, Sep 2019 | Interior Design  

Maison et Objet September 2019 – The Best Exhibitors to Visit

Maison et Objet September 2019 – The Best Exhibitors to Visit


Is there any other design event as trendsetting as Maison et Objet? We don’t think so! With a comprehensive product offering and different styles coexisting throughout an inventive approach, Maison et Objet 2019 is definitely in line with the wide expectations of the markets on an international scale. By the way, we selected a few exhibitors that will surely be under the spotlight on the tradeshow so sit back and stay tuned for what’s about to come!


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Maison et Objet 2019: Top Exhibitors maison et objet 2019 Maison et Objet 2019: Top Exhibitors gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw


Missoni Home



Missoni Home is an Italian fashion house that creates beautiful collections of cushionsthrows and bed linen so you can complete your home decor with an exclusive touch. Iconic, fashion-forward designs with abstract floral patterns and striking colour palettes? Missoni Home is all of this and so much more!

Hall 7 – Stand A46 / B45


Maer Charme



Great design is all about the details and Maer Charme is all about great design. Known for their semiprecious stones, admired and appreciated since ancient times, Maer Charme expresses the essence of elegance, class and beauty. The perfect architecture of these small crystals comes in an infinite array of colours and depths.

Hall 7 – Stand B16 / C15


Bessa Design



Launched internationally in 2016, BESSA is an art and design brand that prides itself on creating handcrafted high-end products inspired by the past. Designed and produced in Portugal, BESSA recovers techniques of craft production to unique pieces and brings back the charm of ancient times, through a new interpretation.

Hall 7 – Stand A40





With over 1000 titles on subjects including architectureartdesignfashiongastronomylifestylephotography and travelASSOULINE has created a unique, eclectic and elegant signature. An independent luxury book publisher, retailer and lifestyle brand founded in 1994, ASSOULINE is known for their highly original graphic concept.

Hall 7 – Stand A31





Ever since it was established in 1964 in Cicognara, Mantova, the company has pursued its mission of making the most of professionalism, service and, above all, an endless product research, striving for improvement, innovation and originality. From furniture and lighting to decoration and art de la tableSeletti blends art and daily life icons with personal vision and Italian excellence.

Hall 6 – Stand J16 / K15


♥ Don’t Miss: Domoff Interiors Creates some Dreamy Kids Bedrooms ♥


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