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11, May 2016 | Interior Design  

The right accessories for kids room design

The right accessories for kids room design

Besides the crazy amount of toys a kids room design is also made of different accessories for kids that definitely brighten up the room.
cloud lamp circu
The cloud lamp is an amazing accessory to have in any kids room design. It designed by Circu in several layers and fine coating with fire retardant. Inside, it has a light and sound system that are controlled by a mobile app (Ilight) or a remote with several options: choice of music, light effects, and sleep time.
paper wall art
The first accessory to have in mind is a creep paper butterfly. With the help of it, every mum or dad may decorate a wall or a ceiling of a room. This type of decoration may be implemented with flowers for girls as well as planes for boys, so it can fit in a girls room decor or a boys room decor.
personalized mirror
A personalized mirror with the kid’s favourite chocolate, animation or even his/her name.
tipi and puff
A tent to play and a puff to rest or read are som great accessories for your kids bedroom.
The right accessories for kids room design (1)
Another option for a bedroom design might be decorating walls with shelves. Shelves are the most practical accessories as there may be put books, toys, and other objects that a kid adores playing with.
Share with us your ideas how to design a bedroom for a kid with accessories! Leave a comment!
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